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Jason Harmon about 6 years ago

all right boys as far as today goes it supposed to keep raining throughout the day so let's make sure we get there and get going and if we do well an hour at most today

Jason Harmon about 6 years ago

all right guys for today's practice let's be there on time with shin guards on ready to go I understand that we got school work and families and jobs and everything going on but if we get there we get going practices could be hour long or the full hour and a half but the sooner we get there and get going and I understand just like I was late yesterday things happen the sooner we get there though the sooner we get done

Stefanie Garcia about 6 years ago

Por caso nadien miero o llavanto una muchila negro d Adidas hoy En practica? Estaba en la Mesa. Tiene llaves, teléfono, y cartera

Stefanie Garcia about 6 years ago

Did anyone pick up a black Adidas backpack from practice today at coyote? It was on the table. It has car keys, wallet, and phone

Michelle Balsley about 6 years ago

I thought all Wednesday practices were at Balsam, but the new schedule say Coyote Run. Which field should I drop off at today?

Marina Miramontes about 6 years ago

Hey guys, tomorrow is the game in Pueblo. To those who are are going, the game is at 12:30 in Pueblo. The address is in schedule. Ask me if you need it. Be there ready to play with Shin Guards, Cleats, appropriate socks, and uniforms. For those who do not have uniforms bring a white shirt and black shorts. Do not forget to bring water bottles. Please get into contact with me if you need a ride ASAP. Write to me here. I will be leaving at 6:45.

Jason Harmon about 6 years ago

all right guys just as a heads up if you are not registered and on my roster of approved players you cannot play Until You Are registered also shin guards are mandatory there is no if ands or buts about it it's for safety overall but for insurance purposes as well

Stefanie Garcia about 6 years ago

Please confirm in sportsengine every time that your player is going to make or not practice/meeting/games etc. If not attending please give a reason. This is very important for coaches/managers. Thank you!

Padres por favor confirmar en sportsengine cada vez que ay practica/juego/juntas etc si su hijo va o no va. Tambien si no va poner el razon. Es muy importante para los coaches/managers. Gracias!