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FC Greeley vs Real Colorado Edge Eagles

By Indira Aceviz, 05/13/18, 9:15PM MDT


Hearts on the field, giving everything they got.

We can see how much these boys have grown when watching this game. The first time they played against Real Colorado Edge as Eagles, they lost 7-4 but you could see them struggling and taking first steps to be a team. This game total 360, we only had 6 players but you could tell team work was strong. The passes, the attempts, the unity and the skill was so noticible. They played their hearts out and Ayden made the first goal for FCG. We were behind and trying to catch up, Oscar made our second goal for FCG, Leaving us with 5-2. A loss but a great game to watch.

Podemos ver como an cresido los niños al ver este partido. La primera ves que jugaron contra Real Colorado Edge as Eagles, perdieron 7-4 pero podiamos ver como batayaban y apenass davan sus primeros pases y no confiaban bien el uno al otro. Este partido fue completamente diferente aunque nos faltaron jugadores podiamos ver que ahora juegan como un equipo unido. Los pases, los attentados a la porteria, lo unidos y la technica se podia notar. Jugaron con todo el corazon, y Ayden anoto el primer de gol para FCG. Estabamos atras Querian alcanzarlos y Oscar anoto el segundo gol de FCG, dejandonos 5-2. Una perdida pero un partidazo.